The Christmas tree is up on the beach at the Mucky Duck and it’s the perfect backdrop for a great photo op, isn’t it?
The beach is gorgeous in front of The Mucky Duck but it’s shell bare right now. So, I told Jack and Jan that we should go to Blind Pass where the shells have been coming in regularly in the last months. Jack then asked “Who is Blind Pat?” HeeHeeHee. It was too cute! So, of course, all day we’ve been talking about going to Blind Pat’s instead of Blind Pass.
Hey Pam,
THe shells made it through all those many hours of being thrown around by the airlines! Everything was in great shape and has found a new home in a bowl in my living room. They can seem like an oddity in Montana, but those shells always bring such happy memories!
THanks again for the great visit and the shelling trip!