Can you believe we saw that SMALLTOOTH SAWFISH on Kice Island and were lucky enough to get video? Check it out!
And don’t worry, it’s not a SHARK! It’s part of the shark family but it is more like a modified RAY with a very cool nose. It’s a close relative to the COWNOSE RAYS I videod in 2010 (click HERE). The SAWFISH use their “saws” to probe the sand or mud in shallow waters using electrical fields to detect, locate, stun, and kill fish or mollusks (no humans!). We felt so lucky to have seen this while we were visiting Marco, Florida for several  hours especially now that I found out that it is an endangered species. So if you ever see a SAWFISH too, make sure he stays happy and healthy so it can produce more babies so we don’t lose this extraordinary creature.
PS- I reported this to the National Sawfish Encounter Database which I found on Mote Marine Laboratory’s website. Please report any encounters with SAWFISH by clicking HERE.
Oh! I can’t open the video. Says it’s Private. But I see your photo!! awesome! What a sighting.
I could not open, video says private.
Rats…it wouldn’t let me watch the video…said “this video is private”.
AAAAgggg! Sorry y’all!!! Its fixed!
Love the video…
What a find! Can’t wait for October! Thanks for sharing!
awesome find!! great video…very cute & well made! what video software did you use?
That is Hysterical! Great editing and effects! a very cool sighting!
Awesome video! I love the production of it, makes me want to see the full length feature film, lol!
Absolutely PRECIOUS video!!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!
Way to cute on the video editing! What software do you use?
WOW Pammy…… I don’t know if the video is better than the sighting or what , but great JOB on both…..
Pam – you’ve outdone yourself and that’s not easy to do! Fabulous and funny!
Hysterical AND amazing!
I love that video!!!! What a great capture….way cool!! Thank you for sharing.
btw…I am returning in Oct again this year….hope to see you.
My best friends are there now and it’s killing me. We work together and can’t be off at the same time or ‘d be there now too!! It’s killlliinnng me…..
I feel your pain….
Love the video…it really made me smile. :)
hahaha! love the production! btw he was looking for some tasty live molluscs to eat…
Pam you did such a STELLAR job on the video!!! It was totally like a great trailer!!! AMAZING!! We had to watch it a bunch of times.
OMG you are hilarious!!!
Love it!!!
Amazing! Every day is something different. It reminded me of a time not too long ago at Lighthouse Beach. I was in about 15 inches of water and about 10 feet from shore when I saw a bonnet head shark about 10 feet in front of me. Fortunately, they are rather shy and not aggressive. I stood my ground, and he swam slowly out to sea. Of course, I didn’t have my camera with me. Nice work, Pam.
Wow, that would be rather scary! Do you ever see any other sharks? I know they are there.. I’ve seen fishermen catch them.. Sherri
Funnily enough, I wasn’t scared at all. The water was crystal clear. so there was no mistaking what it was. However, one day I was sitting at the water line and saw what appeared to be the outline of a shark swim toward the shore and then head back out to sea. I did get a picture of a water snake caught in a tidal pool. I am fascinated by all the wildlife along the shoreline. It never ceases to amaze me.
I am too! I have never seen a water snake on Sanibel. Are any of them poisonous? The wildlife fascinates me, too! Just can’t get enough!
Just when you thought it was safe to go in the water …………
Very clever video! You could not have planned that sighting and filming!
What a lucky experience! And what a great video!! How ever did you make it! We loved watching it.,….so dramatic!
Oh my goodness, I almost fell out of my chair laughing! We will hire you to make Men in Black 4, OK Pam?
But seriously, what a great creature to see! I am very impressed.
This video is fantastic, I will be on Sanibel starting the 24th..Can’t wait. I was wondering if you have heard anymore about the timeline for the dredging to begin? Hope it is going on while we are there… I look at your site everyday..Thanks
8pm- took a while to get to the video, but well worth the wait! James Cameron ain’t got nothin’ on you!!! Loved it :D
Opening soon in a theatre near you. -too neat! Awesome, Pam!
I loved it!!! I was laughing all the way through – great editing and music. But now I’m thinking, are sawfish dangerous???????? I wouldn’t want you to put your life at risk just to get us a great video. lol
that video was totally awesome… but technically speaking sawfish aren’t really dangerous unless they maybe get startled and happen to whip around and brush your leg with the saw (which aren’t teeth but are called denticles). they’re bottom feeders and have very small mouths so they couldn’t really bite ya.
Thank you Leah. I always enjoy learning something new.
Hi Pam!
Great video…I enjoyed watching it… and then I was wondering where you saw this sawfish?
We are so excited….driving down from NJ to Sanibel in a few weeks..we will be there for the whole month of July, and hopefully get to enjoy the gifts of the sea brought up by the dredging! (wouldn’t that be funny If they dredged up my car keys from last July!! LOL)
See you soon!
Lisa Marie
Wow, that is soooo awesome!! Love the video! Sherri
OMG…The closest i’ve ever seen is one at the Aquarium! Wow, you’re so lucky and awesome video you have there! It felt like I was watching some Jurrasic Park trailer or something. :)
Wow…love the music…great movie Pam!
Thanks y’all for all the comments on the video! I know I was a little to fast in putting the video up there with no explanation but I couldn’t wait another second I was so excited… so here’s some answers to your questions…..
-We saw the sawfish in Marco- we ran down for a few hours and just happened to see this!! (and just happen to have my video camera!)
-A sawfish isn’t a shark. It’s in the ray family so it really isn’t dangerous unless you step on it or do something to antagonize it… just like those cow nose rays I got on video that I mistakenly called “manta rays” (boy have I learned a lot since then).
-I used iMovie to “produce” the video. haha How ’bout those credits, huh! LOL
-And no. I haven’t heard anything about the dredging. Believe me, when I know anything, yall will know too.
-I think I will add a little explanation in the post with all this info now just in case everybody doesn’t read the comments…because, after researching a little more on sawfish, I read that they are an endangered species. Yikes! We want to make sure they stay healthy and produce!
Thanks again, y’all. I loooove your comments!!!!
Pam, the credits were really funny. You are so creative. Glad to hear that you weren’t in danger making your movie. lol
Pam, that was awesome! I loved the movie-like drama you added — it made me smile. What a great way to start off a Wednesday morning!
Love it, just made me giggle. Keep them coming, next week is when I get my new knee. Got to go and make me some popcorn..
Love it!! That is the coolest fish i have ever seen!!Might freak me out if I was somewhere snorkeling! :)Love the credits!
I think you may be invited to the arts and film festival next year !!!
Great video and how lucky you SAW it…no pun intended !! ha
And the Oscar goes to…….Pam and Clark Rambo (to thunderous applause)
Cool as tinks! A sawfish. I just remember them from cartoons back in the day. But seriously, what a find! I just went to Wiki and it indicated that they are CRITICALLY endangered. And that they are nocturnal, so you really hit the jackpot!
And its our great fortune to be aware of your wonderful website where you share the most amazing things in the world!!!
Your opening took the words right out of my mouth,Sanibelle!
I guess us Minnesotans think alike, Cindy :). I grew up in Mpls, but keep moving to warmer climes with high hopes to end up on Sanibel permanantly. If by no other means, than to have my ashes left there. …. but I digress, yet again..
Fabulous video! My kids and I have watched it several times and cracked up each time. Our family is heading to Captiva in a few weeks and we are counting down the days. Your site keeps our appetites whetted!
Awesome! The sound & editing are wonderful! I liked the drama & suspense and especially loved the close-up video of an (critically) endangered (nocturnal)species! Once again I’ve learned much today just by visiting my favorite site!!! Thanks, Pam!!!
Awesome footage of the sawfish! And the way you did the video…well, that just proves you spend a LOT of time out in the sun!!! Lol! Very cool! Thanks for sharing. :)
Really special – I got to open the video and watch it all. What a life. We live it thru you,.
Oh, WOW! I’ve always been fascinated with sawfish but have only seen them in aquariums. I had no idea they were “local” and found in water that shallow. What a wonderful experience to share with us. Many thanks.
You are too cute, Pammy. Loved the credits at the end.
ROFL I love the music and captions and open and close. The fish is cute too. I like sea shells better though.
Love love love the production…..Hollywood look out!! Made my stressful morning better, thx!
Wish I was there
Definetly be there in October!
Mary Ann
Terrific video! Your knack for being in the right place at the right time is truly impressive. And, as a producer and director, you’re nipping at Spielberg’s heels.
We’ll be back there in one week. can’t wait.
John & Kathie
Pam, that is just too too exciting. I remembered when my Dad caught one about 60 years ago! Probably why they are endangered!!!
Sawesome! :):):)
Love, love love the iMovie! The sawfish is fascinating, but it was your creative music, captions and credits that made our day!
That is so cool! And your video is hilarious lol. Good job.
Pam and Clark you out did yourselves on the production.. Now we are going to want more of the same in the future.
Seriously, thank you for keeping us informed of the creatures we might see when we travel to the beautiful land of Sanibel & Captiva.
So cool – loved the “movie” idea – Bob and I are HERE (4 days) – hope to make it out to Blind Pass Saturday evening at low tide. Busy remodeling AGAIN….sometimes the closest I get to the beach here is getting on your site, Pam!!!! JL
Cool video! I love how you made it into a Universal Studio trailer. That sawfish looks weird, though. Does it bite?
This is just TOO funny.