Huge Scallop shells
I debated on putting this picture in my blog. I thought I might feel foolish if I found out that someone had just thrown them out in the water to be funny. All four of these four and a half inch SCALLOPS were found the same time as the other shells and coral on post Crazy Shelling at Lighthouse . When Clark and I found these, we both looked around for anybody on the beach laughing or looking at us and we both said to each other “Do you think someone seeded the beach?”. We’ve heard of people throwing really nice shells (that are store bought) on the beach just to see the reaction of a sheller getting excited when they pick it up. We call this “seeding” the beach.

4 inch orange Tellin
We looked in our shell books to see if they are local but didn’t find that our local SCALLOPS get that big. We are convinced that because we found the piece of round CORAL, the huge ANGEL WING, a four inch orange TELLIN (pictured left), and the other rare-ish shells, Hurricane Ida must have really stirred a different brew from who knows where.
We are tickled that we found such different shells. You just never know what Mother Nature might put in front of you.