Sue, Kevin, Debbie, and Bob (all from New York)
I stopped by Blind Pass again late this afternoon to find new shells coming in! I jumped right in the new pile in the surf and within minutes I found a very cool piece of CORAL (in the shape of a light bulb). Right next to me were 4 people having the best time laughing, rolling in the shells and picking up all kind of things. I asked Sue (she had a shelling backhoe and working the surf) if she had found anything good yet and she told me she already found a FLORIDA CONE.
Bob pointed at the shell pile and told me that right there he found a JUNONIA last year. He didn’t even know what he had until a kid next to him told him that he could get his picture in the paper for finding that kind of shell.
Last week Bob, Debbie, Sue and Kevin went to Venice Beach to look for SHARK’S TEETH then down to Marco to get SAND DOLLARS and now shelling in Captiva. They travel around to dig for whatever treasures they can find and from what I see, laugh and have fun the whole time. Now that’s my kind of vacation. What a pretty fun bunch!
I’m sure this will be a great spot for tomorrow morning. I’ll be there to find out.
I never saw these girls at blind pats or we would have stopped. Had a great time
on Sanibel. You guys have a great place to live. Got 2 of my daughters here for Christmas hoping for snow and it’s been raining. Thanks a million for your hospitality.
Love Jack(Blind Pat)
I hope you get your wish for a white Christmas…..I’ll keep the white sandy beach Christmas. We hope you come back next year- we loved your visit!