Horse Conch on shell pile
Whatever Gulf beach in Southwest Florida you can get to tomorrow…GO!!! Yes, It’s been raining all day but that doesn’t stop the shells……or the shellers! At Blind Pass, I found a gorgeous bright yellow HORSE CONCH laying on the top of a huge new pile. I promise, I didn’t even place this shell on anything for the photo….that’s how I saw it….and that’s how good the shelling is right now but nobody was there with me so there’s still so much good stuff just ready to be found.
I also got word from “CShells” from Chicago. She said “we went to Gulf Side Beach and it was shell heaven. Lightning whelks, tulips, juvenile horse conchs, and just about everything else. I saw a man with 2 huge horse conchs. Most of the shells my husband and I found were the high tide line and tidal pool. People were carrying huge bags filled with shells. Leaving tomorrow but if your near Gulf Side Beach make a visit. I met a lady who found a Junonia the Friday before Thanksgiving at Gulf Side Beach.”
I’m sure any beach you are near tomorrow will have lots of treasures. So set your alarm!

Lightening Whelk ready to be picked

Lots of shells and urchins washing up

Urchin close up
Just to let you know
I found a Junonia on the Captiva side of Blind Pass 12/26/2009. Picture should be in the Island Reporter this week. My friend Alice has lived and shelled on Sanibel for 24years and never discovered a Junonia. She considers me an amateur :-) and we had a good laugh that I found one