Periwinkles on Cayo Costa

Periwinkles close up

Tree snails or periwinkles? I’ve never seen these beautiful snails on the fallen trees on the south tip of Cayo Costa before. We weren’t finding any keeper shells tucked around the tree roots or washed up on the beach so maybe that’s why we finally noticed them. I didn’t recognize them to know exactly what they were…….until MurexKen came to the rescue! They are CLOUDY PERIWINKLES. Their colors are so brilliant!

Jane and John (Sanibel) on Cayo Costa

It was a gorgeous day boating with Jane and John to Cayo Costa and then on to North Captiva. We didn’t find tons of shells at our normal spot by the tree roots but we were very happy with the great shells that we did find from the whole day.

Seashells from Captiva out islands

This is a sampling of the shells we all found plus some OLIVES. I didn’t get a chance to clean that awesome (!) orange HORSE CONCH that Clark found but I’m hoping some of those barnacles will pick off the tip without pitting it. The FARGO WORM SHELLS will clean right up with a little bleach in a bucket of water and I can leave them there for a couple of days. I only dip the KING’S CROWNS in the watered bleach bath for a few minutes then scrub them clean. They will lose their color so quickly in a bleach bath.

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