Sanibel Sunset
Sanibel is the perfect canvas to paint sensational sunsets, beautiful beaches, wonderful wildlife and of course, bountiful beach treasures.
Clark and I walked the beach around the lighthouse late yesterday afternoon in search of some minis. I was looking for KEYHOLE LIMPETS for a picture for my Seashell Identification page. I looked in all of my bags, jars, buckets and drawers of shells and couldn’t believe I couldn’t find a good LIMPET to photograph.
I found one! …..and another and another. Then Clark joined the hunt and found a few too.
My eye was focused on the pattern of these LIMPETS but I kept seeing the SPOTTED SLIPPERS so I picked them up too.
Since I was focused on the minis I even found TUSK SHELLS which are only 3/8 of an inch long. I was tickled to find them since I’m just learning to have the eye for them. I found three hanging out with a WENTLETRAP and two DWARF OLIVES.
Clark found this teeny tiny TURKEY WING. So to show how small it is, I put it next to the other minis.
I think I’ve been having miniatures shells on the brain because I just can’t believe how sweet this little beautifully framed piece of shell art is I received last week from Sanibel Sister Judith. You have to remember her! She is one of the sisters that uses those giant sized tweezers to pick up the minis at the lighthouse when they come to visit. This is what they make after picking up all those sweet little shells. Talk about a beautiful canvas for those mini shells. I absolutely love it! Thank you Sanibel Sister Judith!
Judith should enter her work into the Sanibel Shell Fair and Show. It’s starts this Thursday March 3, 2011 and runs through Sunday March 5. So don’t forget and I hope to see you there!
How cool!! I’ve met Judith & Linda several times – 2008 & 2009. We only went to Lighthouse beach once in 2010 because the shelling was so good at PS last year. They are great ladies and they gave me super advice as to how to avoid noseeum bites. I’ve used their “formula” every year now! The framed shells Judith sent you are great. She’s inspired me to try a little something with the abundance of minis I have collected.
Thanks for contacting Roxanne for me. I’d love to meet her in October. Love to meet you too! I’m a long ways out – 221 days to be exact – but I got a screaming deal on my car rental today, so I’m moving forward!
What is the formula for the noseeums ? I sure would like to know !!
In 2008 I got really eaten up by those pesky noseeums, so when I met Linda and Judith on Lighthouse beach we talked about how to repel them. They recommended starting with a base of sunscreen, then a thick coat of Eucerin Original Moisturizing Creme (the thick one in the tub, not the thinner lotion), then spritz with Skin So Soft Bath Oil Spray. I have to say, I felt a bit thick with all that stuff on my skin, but it sure worked for me!! Basically I think you are creating such a thick barrier that the little critters can’t bite through it. I would leave the beach looking like some dashed a pepper shaker over my skin because the things stuck to me.
I also discovered a treatment for the itchy bites that year. I went to Island Pharmacy where they make their own special formula of Bite & Itch lotion. However, in Oct 2008 they were totally out of it!! So, the pharmacist gave me this alternative, which is basically the same thing that he mixes all together. Mix equal amounts of Caladryl Lotion, Aveeno Anti Itch Concentrated Lotion and Benedryl Itch Stopping Cream and apply to the bites. Amazing relief!!
The really great thing is that using the Eucerin mixture to repel the bugs really moisturizes your skin. I never came home feeling like my skin was all dried out from the sun, wind and water!
I hope these tricks will work for all of you that wanted the “formula”!! I take all these products with me every year now.
Wow- that’s quite a concoction but I’m sure gonna try it. I’ve tried everything else and nothing has worked for me for an extended period of time. Everything I’ve used works for about 20 to 30 minutes then fades or something… I’ll check out Island Pharmacy too! Thanks
Hope that works for you. As I mentioned, you will feel like you have a lot of goop on your skin, but so worth it to avoid those “bites”. I was told that noseeums don’t actually bite, rather they spit acid on you that causes that nasty itchy burn. Reggie at Island Pharmacy is the one who told me to mix the three products to fight the itch.
sheri, thanks so much for sharing that! we are heading to sanibel soon and the last time we were there they ate my oldest alive, or i guess they actually just drooled all over her….she is pretty sweet ;-) looking forward to trying this, really looking forward to being somewhere where we need noseeum battle gear
Have a fun time in Sanibel! I’m on the countdown, too, but I have 219 days to wait…..
The Island Pharmacy’s Bite and Itch lotion is the best relief for mosquito bites I have ever found. I don’t liver near Sanibel and am about out of my stock so thanks so much for posting this “recipe.” I will definitely use it!!!
How awesome.
Very thoughtful gift, I love Judith’s frames – it looks like a smiley face in the bottom left hand corner.
Heading to Sanibel in a week’s time – can’t wait. One little question though, would you mind sharing the formula to avoid noseeum bites? Thanks
Nice shells!
Sheri, do you mind sharing the “formula” for avoiding noseeums? I’m always looking for something better. :-)
Take lots of pictures at the show for those of us stranded in the middle of snow storms, ice storms, thunderstorms, flash floods and the occasional tornado (all in a month). We’re beginning to feel a little ‘shell shocked’ and need lots of your heart warming Sanibel pics.
Hi Pam,
What a beautiful piece of shell art that your firend Judith created.I’m always searching for the largest shell that I can find and I’m now re thinking this after seeing Judith’s miniatures. I hope you’ll be at the Shell Show on Friday….I want one of those darling t-shirts!
Hi Pam,
I think you should make a piece on the Sanibel Shell Fair and Show. I would love to see what goes on, and I am guessing others do too!
Thanks! :)
Oh man…only 15 more days until we’ll be there. I can’t wait!!
Judith’s shell art is lovely!
I have a spotted slipper shell that is so beautifully spotted and treasured that I keep it with my junonias in a glass box.
‘Love Judith’s work!
Thanks for the recipes and hope to see you at the shell show.