Shelling on Sanibel was featured on CBS Sunday Morning today! And I made the cut. Waaahoooo! After you see the segment, I’m sure you will have questions about that crazy woman pictured above. I promise I will explain but first you have to watch CBS correspondent Bill Geist “shell out” this fantastic piece on the island of Sanibel and her seashell treasures. Can’t see it? CLICK HERE
Wasn’t that fabulous? Okay, yes, that crazy lady who talked about breaking her husband’s leg was…. ahem….. me. Bill Geist had asked me if I was an extreme sheller. Hmmm. Me? Where do I start? Then the leg-breaking incident popped into my head. Before we lived on Sanibel, Clark and I came for vacation to shell the beaches just like most of y’all. The first morning out on the beach, we had a little fun competition finding shells. At one point when I was doing the Sanibel Stoop, Clark gave me a little push so I lost my balance and fell in the sand. We laughed and laughed at being silly shellers but then I planned my attack. He was wading in the shallow water, when I decided to take my “shell revenge” ;). I guess I was too obvious since he dug his feet into the sand to keep his balance when he saw me make my move for his shell. Unfortunately, he dug his feet in too deep (See? It wasn’t completely my fault! LOL) and I caught him at the wrong angle to push him out of the way. His body spun side ways but his leg didn’t. His shin bone snapped in a spiral break that sounded like a gun shot. I know… awful, right? I felt so badly! That was probably 17 years ago and as most of you know, he healed just fine and it didn’t slow Super Sheller Clark down when it comes to finding shells. So now you know the rest of the story.

Thank you Bill Geist for showing the world why we, they, y’all and …… i Love Shelling!!
I watched the CBS show and laughed out loud when they showed you on the tv. Glad to know the story behind the broken leg! Too funny!!
Spoushell abuse…Lmao.
That was a great segment…the girls and I loved it.
Spoushell abuse !! Perfect play on words… :) Pam, did you use jingle shells to embellish the SUNDAY MORNING SUN?
Thanks for sharing, Pam! I wasn’t able to catch the show this a.m. so really appreciate you including the link!
Oh my goodness! I won’t ever mess with Pam, coz she will break your leg! Happy to see you got on TV.
Great segment, Pam…I think you have a real a future in television!!!
Thanks for sharing as I forget to set my DVR. I enjoyed the segment AND your story about you and Clark…so glad it didn’t slow him down!!!!
So much fun- it was like seeing a family member on TV :D Of course, many of us were virtual shelling during the segment!!!
It was a great segment – you cracked me up and Bill was funny when he joked about being sober at that odd hour.
Yay Pam!!! That is so awesome!!!!
Just returned from a fantastic convention of 400 ladies…Lutheran Women’s Missionary league, Kansas District. Song, information, inspiration, worship, laughs and hugs. One song had a great back ground of the beach and sea…took me back and then I got home to a recorded Sunday Morning with you…just wish they had mentioned your blog and shelling sisters.
I try to never miss the Sunday morning show but did this am ( due to a buying trip), many thanks for sharing , you brought a smile to my face!
You lit the screen Pam, even if was brief! Next time Im sure they will do a whole story on you
So awesome!!
Oh Pam you were great!!!
And I hear there’s a price to pay for all those Junonia’s Clark’s netted….who knew Karma worked that way?!?
You & Dottie looked marvelous. Don’t be surprised if someone asks for your autograph next time you are out & about! Hopefully this added publicity doesn’t bring out droves of shell seakers who don’t know what to do with them when the real work of cleaning, etc. begins.
This was great, Pam!! Love the story about breaking Clark’s leg! Now that’s aggressive shelling! Wish I had seen this on the news, so glad you posted it here for us. Just got our tickets for October!!!
Wouldn’t you know it, I was out of town and didn’t see Sunday morning. So… thank you so much for posting the Bill Geist segment. Just loved it!
I taped it, great story! And there was our Pam on the big screen! That’s a shell of a way to treat your husband… Poor, poor, Clark. :)
Thanks for the heads up!
I always wondered if I would see a celebrity on the beach at Sanibel, now I can say I have.That smile and the twinkle in your eyes, lit up the screen. I remember seeing Leroy on your blog but when we saw the part of the show where he was shelling with his unusual shell tool, Richard and I both said we had seen him on the beach. And Dottie, I’m sure I’ve seen her on the beach, I think she walked with me one Sunday a.m. It was like seeing old friends on tv, so exciting. Loved the part about shelling at night, made me laugh, it’s such a magical time everyone should try it at least once. We heard your story about Clark’s broken leg, is his story the same?
If you’ve ever stayed on West Gulf Drive,you’ve probably run into Ms. Dottie, the Junonia Queen! :-D
I’ve also seen him on the beach. When I saw him, I said I know who that is he was shelling most every day when we were there last November. He even gave me a shell. It’s amazing how small this world is that we live in.
Pam that is a great picture of you and Bill Geist.
I sure hope I get to meet Dottie one day! Isn’t it funny that all the time I spend on the beach, I’ve never met some of these folks. Well, now that I think about it, I know the reason why I haven’t met Smoky….he only shells before sunrise. I’m sure Dottie shells early morning as well like lots of other “extreme” shellers. I love early morning shelling after a storm but… errrr…. I’m not so good at early mornings on a regular basis. I hope to catch them one day!
Thanks for all your inspiring comments y’all!!!!
Oh, and y’all know my “attack” was only out of silly fun, right? Really! I promise I won’t break any more legs out there (but I almost felt like it when Clark found those 3 junonias within a month last year- ha!).
Cshells- you’ll have to ask Clark if his side is the same. hahaha
The kids and I loved the segment!!!
That was great, Pam. And it’s nice to feel vindicated on broadcast TV to my friends who think my seashell obession is not normal. Bill Geist did a great job showcasing Sanibel and the wonderful hobby of shell collecting. I can’t think of a better way to get out in the fresh air and sunshine and to meet like-minded people on Sanibel’s beaches. Shell collectors rock!
Hey pretty famous niece of mine! Loved the quick view of you, I remember how well you took care of Clark while he was mending!! What a story!!
I wish they had shown more of you and your web site. You’re pretty wonderful!!
Love ya gal,
Aunt Betsy
We saw the story on CBS and watched it again today, thanks to you. What a great vindication of not being able to stop shelling! It is truly compulsive. Next time we need to do one of those “Sanibel Stoop” demonstrations. Of course, we’d have to be mindful of the camera angle. We’ll be there in 2 weeks for a month and back again in October. These trips are truly meditation for beach people.
You Brute!! I will be sure not to turn my back to you when shelling together! :) Sorry I am going to miss you this time around!
We watched and of course dream of getting back there soon.
Awesome piece! I try as hard as possible to take in anything that is about Sanibel/Captiva! Thank you for reminding us last week so I set my DVR right away! :-)
Hi Pam,
You looked fab on TV; great piece!!
I miss shelling so much; I look for rental specials daily so if you know anyone wanting to rent from a thurs or fri to the following Wednesday sometime, let me know. I still want to take you to dinner.
Great great piece !!!
Now, go out there & shell !!!
Goodluck everyone!
Mary Ann
Thanks for sharing! I love shelling, too! I have my T-shirt and am all ready for our trip down there May 7th – 11th! So excited!
Talk about for better or worse…lol Clark really loves you:) Go Sanible! It was a great way to show the pride of Sanibel Shells..Pam just wanted to thank you and your husband for sharing your love for shells with the rest of the world. I also enjoy reading the inspirational stories of others from all walks of life. Its a great way to bring happiness into hearts and connection as a family in whole. Hats off to you Pam and Clark…Also to everyone who carries passion for one of the Lord’s great creations SHELLS!
Oh me – that was sooooo good. I want to get right back in the car and go back to Sanibel, stick a Plumeria in my hair and stay put!!!
Hi Pam,
Finally CBS Sunday morning showed the Sanibel episode. I’ve had my DVR all set and waiting. You looked great Pam.
Pam, you are absolutely adorable!! I cannot thank you enough for this blog! I can not wait to come back to Sanibel! I am hoping to come with my friend Sarah and her two girls and maybe even our hubbies! I just loved the segment! And thanks for the cyber-shelling! My stressful day of teaching my special ed kiddos just melts away.. :)
Sherri from MN