seashells in a hat

Mother Nature has been providing lots of gifts from her sea this week! Not only did she give us all the Beach Bling on the east end, we were finding some excellent shells off West Gulf Drive west of Tarpon Bay Road this weekend.

Super Sheller Clark Rambo

 In the water at the shoreline, Clark found a few ALPHABET CONES, colorful juvie HORSE CONCHS, SHARK’S EYES, dark colorful LETTERED OLIVES and BANDED TULIPS, a double CALICO CLAM and a double ALTERNATE TELLIN.

seashells sanibel seashore

 I was shelling the nice piles on the beach…

gulf coast seashells

 I found this sweet little pinkish FLORIDA SPINY JEWELBOX…

Florida spiny jewelbox

 And 6 sets of pink and yellow ALTERNATE TELLINS. Here are two of them…

alternate tellin butterfies


horse conch candy shell

 Just in case you didn’t catch it in the first photo, take a look at how pretty and dark orange this FLORIDA CONE is. Clark found this just as we were about to leave the beach. It’s my fave shell of the weekend!

florida cone in hat