Caribbean seashells from Guantanamo Bay Cuba

Caribbean seashells? Yes!  We took a weekend getaway vacation to the Caribbean to do a little snorkeling and beach combing and it was awwwwesome. I’m not saying we found these exact shells but we found quite a few just like them and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Where in the world were Pam and Clark? You’ll have to just guess for now until we can go through our suitcase full of shells and photos so I can get my act together … but I’ll give you a few hints…

1-  We were on an island in the Caribbean with a world renown port

2- We are not in the U.S. but we are surrounded by Americans… and of course shells

But hold on before you start guessing where you think these shells were found… Since we were away over the weekend, I don’t know where the latest local shells have been… so if you have news about good shell piles or info please let us know here or on the iLoveShelling Facebook pageUntil then, I’ll get our unbelievable (really, you arent going to believe it!) weekend away photos to you ASAP!


Caribbean cowries helmets vases

Okay, Okay… Check out the details on my next post about our trip to Guantanamo Bay Cuba!