Caribbean seashells? Yes! We took a weekend getaway vacation to the Caribbean to do a little snorkeling and beach combing and it was awwwwesome. I’m not saying we found these exact shells but we found quite a few just like them and I can’t wait to tell you all about it. Where in the world were Pam and Clark? You’ll have to just guess for now until we can go through our suitcase full of shells and photos so I can get my act together … but I’ll give you a few hints…
1- We were on an island in the Caribbean with a world renown port
2- We are not in the U.S. but we are surrounded by Americans… and of course shells
But hold on before you start guessing where you think these shells were found… Since we were away over the weekend, I don’t know where the latest local shells have been… so if you have news about good shell piles or info please let us know here or on the iLoveShelling Facebook page. Until then, I’ll get our unbelievable (really, you arent going to believe it!) weekend away photos to you ASAP!
Okay, Okay… Check out the details on my next post about our trip to Guantanamo Bay Cuba!
woo hoo! good for you and Clark to get away!! Can’t wait to see your treasures!
We had major wind on the island yesterday….there should be some shells coming in soon.
I’m going to guess you guys were in Shellantis ;-)
Hey Shellinator, which way did the wind come from? How strong?
Wow, please tell us which island…… so jealous
Hope you guys had a great trip, you sound very excited.. We got in Friday night for our two weeks.. It has been a rough couple of days, actually some of the roughest low tides we have seen in the last 15 years… We want too hear and see your treasures from your trip.. Also want too hear some blogging about Sanibel shell locations… We have missed you..:-) ..
Crazy winds and rough water. Tonight though on our evening walk we are starting to see some shell piles roll in on west gulf drive. Nothing huge a lot of minis but they are just as fun as the big stuff.
So glad you were on vacation! I was going through ILS new post withdrawal, haha, but I started to worry that you were sick or something else was wrong… What beautiful shells, can’t wait to hear all about your trip!!
I was starting to worry too! So glad all is well and can’t wait to see new shells! :)
Hmmm, CUBA?!
This answered made me laugh out loud! Too funny!
I know where you went!! Don’t worry I won’t spill the beans!!! I’m so excited for you and I hope you had a great time!!
Was wondering where you were! Can’t wait to get the scoop…..
Can’t wait to read all about your trip and see the great pics I’m sure you took!! I was at Lighthouse on Saturday and didn’t find anything too spectacular except, of course, the small wentletrap I posted to your FB page. Not as big as the “huge” one I found a few weeks ago but a happy find nonetheless. ;-)
Can’t wait to hear all about it…We will be back again in July for another week of shelling…Love being able to be there two times this year…GOD IS GOOD!
Oh my gosh!! I am sooooo happy to see your post:). I have been looking for you for five days, a zillion times a day (yes, I do have a life). I think that it is awesome for y’all to get away to such a beautiful place in the Carribean, wherever it is! I am looking forward to seeing some new and unique shells. I am sure your adventures were Sooo much fun!! I have been watching the weather in Sanibel and it really sounds yucky!! I thought maybe you were carried away to sea:(. Sorry……I’m rambling…..get some rest!
U.S Virgin Island? St. Thomas ?
Can’t wait for more explanation about the beautiful shells. Good for you guys!
Mary Ann
East Granby. CT
We have to try to guess one out of the 1,000 islands in the Caribbean Sea? This is not easy. Famous harbor, ummm ………..English Harbor, Antigua?
I would guess either St. Thomas, USVI, or Puerto Rico. Both are Caribbean Islands, both US Territories, and both have world renown ports. Was just at both while on a cruise in May. I might have to go with Puerto Rico since St. Thomas doesn’t seem to have that many shells and I found quite a few on the beach in San Juan. Puerto Rico also has nice islands off the coast that are part of Puerto Rico (Culebra and Vieques) that might be great for shelling.
Pam, Glad you took a fun trip, ypu do deserve it. Roy and I left Sanibel but ended up getting a heck of a deal on Little Hickory Island Bonita Springs for a 7 night stay. The winds and waves are strong and scarey. I have been on sealife patrol, putting back more live shells and starfish than picking up empty ones. Having fun though the sounds af the waves are still relaxing ( But, I need to keep my eyes shut so I don’t see the wickness of the surf) On one of your posts earlier this year you mentioned a good resturant called the Little Hickory Seafood Grill. Well it is right next door to were we are staying, they share a parking … We took your advice and wow did we enjoyed the meal… alot!!! You sure do give good advice about on and off the beach. Anyone wanting good seafood this is the place, very low key….. I have a question for anyone…The scallops on this beach are different than on Sanibel. They are larger and the ribs are wider apart, their colors are solid usually black, grey or cream, What are they called? I have not found many of the scallops we see so many of on Sanibel with the burgundy colors on then.(zigzag) Looking forward to hearing more details on your trip, but for now I amd guessing the British Virgin Islands..Actually this is Roy’s quess.
Hi Pam, here’s a question for you…
Since discovering your wonderful blog about ‘My Happy Place and My Favorite Pastime’ I pulled out all my shells to look at again and my sons were wondering how old sea shells are? I mean the shells not how long the creature lived in them. The hubby says, ‘hundreds of years’ , I say maybe only a couple of years, if that. Do you know? Is there any way to tell?
Oh, please hurry with the update & pics — I’m really needing a fix! We’re headed down Wednesday and it just can’t get here quickly enough :)
Wherever you were, it looks like the olives are eating well!
Hi Lynn, most likely those aren’t olives but rather different varieties of cowries. I lived overseas for 15 years in the Marshall Islands, and I have a pretty extensive collection of cowry shells. I actually recognize some of those cowries, either that, or they’re closely related cousins to some of my cowries from the Marshalls. They’re beautiful shells, usually naturally shiny, unless very old and/or beachwashed. Here’s a link to an article on wikipedia about cowries: Enjoy!
Hi Pam
We got here on Friday and have found shelling
to be very different due to high tides.
I really didn’t find any good spots, that was
until today. We found tons of shells pretty good
sized at the Lighthouse Beach. A lot of lighting
whelks and my son found a fantastic horse
conch, it was pretty big. It was just slightly buried
in the sand at the waters edge. Then storm
rolled in and we left at 2pm.
Hi- we live in Fort Pierce/Jensen area and our complete shells are few and far between- a real treasure when we find them! My husband wants to treat me to a trip (a one day) to sanibel area because we all know how great your shells are. Can you keep in touch with me and watch your winds and let me know one day ahead of time when you hear of a good day to come over? It can be any day within the next 3 weeks (after the 4th weekend- I do not want to fight the crowds)….THANK YOU!!!!!
kathy on the east coast fl.
Hubby found a 12 & 13 inch conch buried slightly in sand in waist deep water off west gulf. Son also found in same spot 9 1/2 inch whelk. Pretty good day. All the piles from last night are gone again. So the search continues.