lightning whelk blind pass captiva

Most shellers could only dream of finding such a large perfectly toned LIGHTNING WHELK like this. But Clairissa from L.A. found TWO of them at Blind Pass Captiva! Boom Shellalaka!

clairissa 2 whelk shells storm sanibel

I was absolutely thrilled for her and thrilled to find that there was a gorgeous shell pile that formed in the last 24 hours oN the beach by the jetty rocks. Shellalujah!

best shells on sanibel captiva Sept 2013

I saw her combing the water back and forth….back and forth. I asked her mom Nannette if she was finding anything out there and she said “Oh yeah…. Lots”.

clairissa nannette shelling captiva sanibel

As I looked in their bucket, they told me that the best ones were the big WHELKS they found in the rain storm late yesterday afternoon before the shell pile formed. Ooooo- I had to see them! Fortunately she still had them in her car. Yowza! Clairissa said she found them after hours of being out in the water in the rain. Persistence.  She told me she actually found several of those large WHELKS ( i think she said 4)  but gave 2 away to kids that were on the beach since she saved the 2 best ones for herself. She’s an amazing sheller and a saint. Congratshellations on your beautiful finds!

clairissa whelks shells captiva

There were lots of other people finding shells too… including me.

lots of seashell shells sanibel captiva

My friend Susan sat right down in that big shell pile and started sifting…

beach with seashells Sanibel captiva florida

Sitting in the one spot, she found 2 GAUDY NATICAS (COLORFUL MOON), CONCHS, WHELKS, OLIVES, MUREXES, SCALLOPS and one sweet HORSIE…

susan shells sanibel captiva florida

I’ve got lots more photos and a video too but had to get the news out…. shell pile at Blind Pass! We’ve had nice west winds for a few days with this rain storm and its supposed to continue for another day. Fingers crossed we have another few days of seashell heaven!

seashells of Sanibel captiva florida

shelling adventures trips by pam
