pam rambo shelly temple iLoveShelling museum

Introducing…. Shelly Temple!

I was so honored to be asked to be a celebrity waitress for the Shell Museum fundraiser, I figured if I was going to get folks to shell out lots of clams for the museum, I’m not a “celebrity”, but I can be a Shellebrity! So I pulled out boxes of shells and a hot glue gun then embellished a “little girl” dress (from the costume store) and curly top wig with STARFISH, SCALLOPS and ARK shells.

shelly temple costume

I was so tickle that the event was hosted at a local restaurant, so we showed up early to hang out with the other waiters to get some advice of how the night should go. It was fun to see Krista Fogelsong and Clay Miller from NBC-2 there too. I’ve run into Krista shelling Sanibel and Captiva (with her shell bag filled to the top!) a few times so it was fun to catch up and grab a yummy bite to eat together. Here’s Shelly with Krista and Alison Dry of Cips …

pam krista fogelson alison shell museum fundraiser

Then we got to “work” waiting tables and asking for donation tips. Thank you Ron for starting off the night with my first tip! For big tips, I gave out Shellollipops…hahaha

ron pam shelly temple tips sanibel

Okay, I really don’t believe I did this… but I sang and tap danced for tips. Ack! I still cant believe I did that- but it sure was fun! LOL (Dont worry, I had on a pair of shorts with that dress- yikes! it was sooo short)

shelly temple dancing and singing for shell museum

For “Shelly’s” singing and dancing, Melissa and Scot Congress of Sealife By Congress, were very generous and donated big. Thank you so much!

melissa scot sealife by congress pam rambo shelly temple

Betsy and Marcel Ventura shelled out big donations. Wow! Thank you so much!

betsy sanibel farmers market marcel yolo pam

 It was a spectacsheller night so we shellebrated more donations from big tippers Susan and Daron (thats Soul Sister Susan) and shell craft queen JaneThank you!!!!

rambo ventura scherr henshaw shell museum fund raiser

Of course Super Sheller Clark (he came up with the idea of Shelly Temple!) helped every step of the way to make it such a fun and successful night… plus he gave a nice tip too. Yahoo!

pam clark rambo shelly temple iLoveShelling

Omigosh, are you really ready to see me (ahem… “Shelly”) sing and tap dance? But first I have to admit…. I DONT KNOW HOW TO TAP DANCE! But what would Shelly Temple be without tap dancing??? I had to learn a few steps so my friend Susan Scott was kind enough to give me a lesson and made it very easy for me. Thank you Susan- you are a life saver!

This is my dress rehearsal (LOL) in my Shellaboratory (as my friend Tiia named it). Get ready for some silliness, folks. I’m sure you can guess the song I sang, right?

Here’s Shelly Temple singing and dancing to…  “On The Good Beach Sanibel”…

It was a shelltastic night that raised lots of money for children’s seashell education.