Sanibel Sunshine Seashells

It might be pretty up north in the U.S. right now with white blankets of snow but I think you need to get your beach fix warmed up a little too. So Im sending you some sunny sunshine photos of my  morning beach combing.  I thought of so many of you “in the cold tundra” (as some of you call it- heehee) so as soon as I saw so many bright yellow COQUINAS covering the beach this morning, I knew I needed to send you some of this warmth.

yellow coquinas

My friend Alex and I only had to walk a few steps on to Gulfside City Park beach to find lots of treasures still scattered throughout the SEA SQUIRTS.

Sanibel Stoop with Alex GSCP Sanibel

She was collecting lots of DOSINIAS and juvie FIGHTING CONCHS to make another shell mirror.

alex finding dosinias to make a mirror

I met Shelly on the boardwalk to the beach and she collected COQUINAS too. She said “… in a way I’m glad the bigger shells weren’t around… otherwise I may have missed this experience of looking for the small wonders”. Be still my heart.

Shelly with Sanibel shells on beach board walk

But hold on to your sun hats, folks! She wasn’t just collecting sunshine yellow ones, she was collecting COQUINAS of every color under the rainbow…. and “CANDY” too. Gorgeous! Colorful Coquina Candy

There were areas that had gobs of double DOSINIAS, FIGHTING CONCHS and stinky SEA SQUIRTS but after a finding shelltastic gems in just a few minutes, amazingly enough the odor went away.

high tide wrack line on Sanibel gulfside city park

Talk about amazing… Rick from Fort Myers found the sweetest perfect JUNONIA at Bowmans Beach. Shellzam!

Rick found a baby junonia

Even if you haven’t found your JUNONIA…. yet… there are so many shell lines to sift through right now to find so many fabshellous shells and bling to find sunshine and happiness.

Shells on a quiet beach on Sanibel Island

Oh wait, you’re not in SW Florida to sift through these shells for yourself… and maybe the photos aren’t doing it for you? How about some CYBERSHELLING! In this next photo, notice that this area doesn’t look so pretty at first, right? This is exactly what Shelly was talking about… if there are larger shells on the beach, we never look through the shell lines that look like this because it just doesn’t look as appealing at first. But… if you take you time and look a little closer…. Oh My! There are such beautiful shells just waiting there for you to discover and appreciate one day. Click on the next photo to enlarge it… then look around for three WENTLETRAPS (I only saw the big one- I had no idea the other 2 were in there until I enlarged it- Ack!) , a BABYS EAR, TUSKS, a DRILL, JINGLES, MUSSELS and all sorts of other goodies. Have fun!

Find seashells with cybershelling photo


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