It’s been another wild ride! 2014 was an incredible year as we celebrated 5 years of shelling together and many adventures. Every day on the beach I have felt like you have been right along side me so thank you for being with me in spirit and for your encouragement and excitement as we learn together. It’s an amazing time in our lives to be able to share Mother Nature’s wonders of Sanibel, Captiva and the beaches around the world through iLoveShelling.
Here are my top 10 posts for 2014… Enjoy the count down from #10 to #1 post this year.
Click on each image to find out why they are so special for 2014!
#10 – Sanibel Wishes (Its actually my fave video instead of a post)
#9- Healthy Living On The Coast Of Sanibel Island
#8– CyberShelling At Blind Pass With Pam
#7- Seashell display Table Ideas
#6- Get ‘Em While The Gettin’s Good
#5- What Drills Make Different Holes In Seashells
#4- Wedding Party Shells Seeding Sanibel Beaches
#3- Gold Banded Cone Saga Continues
#2- Treasures Found In Guantanamo Bay Cuba (We felt so fortunate to be able to go back again)
And… my favorite post….
#1- The Rambo Seashell Shellaboratory
I’d love to know which posts were YOUR favorite.
Happy New Year!
What a great line-up of the best posts of 2014! I agree with your choices Pam! Some really beautiful and informative ones! :)
Happy New Year to you and Clark and to all the shellers everywhere in the world.
ILS Post #9 is my fave because it reflects a healthy continental “SHELLF”
along the coast to nourish all the mollusks and sea creatures.. :)
Oh my… Your shell room is not only my favorite post, it’s the very coolest thing I’ve seen in a long, long time! Beautiful!
#10 says it all, though they are all beautiful! Happy, Happy New Year to all you shell lovers!!
My favorite was the one my family and I were in with you! (I had found a fulgurator olive.) It was great to meet you! You were so nice to my husband, daughter and me. Thanks and happy new year!!!
What a beautiful gift for the New Year! You picked the perfect posts! And each made me want to go back and find more info in your oh-so useful search box. Thank you for the inshellspiration! Happy New Year!
Spending a wild night looking at my computer!!! Love all of your posts, but I reeeeeely love your shellaboratory. It’s the coolest thing evah!!!
Hapy New Year to you and Clark!
oops! Happy New Year!
i don’t have a FAV. They all are special. Every shell is a gift and the search is the blessing. Happy 2015, hope to see you in April.
Happy New Year Pam & Clark! I’ve got to say my favorite post was…hmmm…wow, difficult to decide…oh dear….pressures on…ok they were ALL my favorites!! Thank you for another great year of sharing your love and knowledge of shells with us…you are the shelling Queen! (And Clark the King…of course!)
Oooo, I really love what Jude said above!
Still deciding if I can pick just one out of the wonderful choices.
Pam, your blog gives me so much joy throughout the year. How can you thank someone enough for something so precious?
Well I’m stumped
Maybe the Chamber of Commerce could come up with something? I like Shell Queen as a formal title. If not royal at;least honorary.
I’ve made about 10 trips to Sanibel over the last three years because of finding your world of “I Love Shelling.” I never knew there were other shell nuts like me out there.
Happy 2015 to all of us!
Happy New Year Pam & Clark. Shelled at Blind Pass yesterday morning for over 3 hours on the huge shell mound. Found some treasures. We are on our way back to Michigan this morning.
Happy New Year to all the shellers :-)
I love, love, love the video! Makes me feel like I am there………………..BIG SIGH!
But I also adore your shell room and table. I want them! :)
Happy New Year to you and all my fellow shellers everywhere!
Happy New Year, Clark and Pam. We loved ALL the posts. Counting the days til we are there again. 19 degrees here this morning…
Happy New Year Shellers!! Thank you Pam for making every post special, your passion comes through & makes my day.
Happy 2015
Mary Ann
East Granby. CT
Happy New Year, Pam and Clark!
We couldn’t decide on one, it is a tie between #10 and #1. The video says it all, showing what makes Sanibel so special, and your shell room tells us all about you! Returning in summer with family. Hope to see you again
Happy New Year and thanks for your blog, it helps me get though the dark winter days in Michigan!
happy new year another great post and video I hope you didn’t get all the shells because I’m here now and I hope I can get a day with you and clark next week I will call and see thank you —r.g.stein
I agree with Jude’s comment. ALL of your posts become favorites for the variety of subjects you teach all of us about. Your cybershelling is always a treat. I have learned so much about the different varieties of shells and sea life. Your website is fun, educational, inspiring, beautiful and most of all…touching… with the pictures of all the shellers you meet with their treasures. Anyone who has had the privilege of meeting you has a special memory. And icing on the cake is meeting Clark as well! Looking forward to keeping in touch with you in 2015 through my computer and hopefully on the beach or another cruise. Happy New Year!
I love all of your posts! They are the reason I keep scheduling trips to Sanibel with family and friends. I look at your site and just say road trip, who wants to go? And next thing I know we are booked for a trip! If I have to pick one post though, I think my favorite is the Shellaboratory. As a biology major, I can’t tell you how interesting that whole room is to me! I am impressed with what you did in that room and hope to have something like that one day! So keep posting and we will keep visiting.
PS. Trip coming in June 6-13. Hope to see you on the beaches!!
Happy New Year Pam and Clark!
Cant pick one post over another as they are all GREAT! You have such a nice way of sharing all your finds and adventures with us all! i always look forward to reading your posts and seeing what your up to on all your shellventures! Thanks for sharing your love of shelling with all of us!
Hope to see you this summer and do a shelling excursion with you!
Happy shelling, Denise
Thank you for so many nice wishes and for feeling the shelling love along the years with me! Its so much fun to travel this shelling journey with all of you. Its gonna be a great 2015 too!
My favorite is the one I’m in! November 5th, it was chilly and the beginning of a stinky week of shelling. We found so many shells that week! I also like when you educate us. Learning about the sea squirts and so many other not so pretty beach life is most helpful. I now know what is safe on the beach and what might be dangerous! I also need more ideas on using all the shells we bring home every trip. Kali and I made Christmas ornaments this year. Happy New Year and we hope to run into you in June!
My favorite is #10 and #7 is second, but I love all your posts. We’re hoping to get down there later this month. My husband had surgery today and we had told the doctor about our florida trip. He said he should be ready. Last night on the way home from the hospital there was a car up ahead of me with the license plate SANYBEL 1(ny). I thought that was a positive omen. Keep up your great posts Pam we love them all. Pat