colors of cross barred venus shells

If you are looking for shells on Sanibel but you aren’t having any luck finding “the big ones”, you should revisit those common shells that are always on our beaches. There’s not a day that goes by that our beaches aren’t filled with CROSS-BARRED VENUS shells. Each one is different with their colors and patterns. They are a shell crafters dream seashell!

hundreds of cross barred venus shells

Walking the beach yesterday at Gulfside City Park, Clark and I were only finding the common shells until Clark took a blind scoop in the water scooped up alive BABYS EAR in his shelling backhoe. He laughed and handed it to me… it was shaped like a heart! So cute! Of course, I snapped a photo then placed it back into the water under the sand.

live baby ear in waves

Just a few days before, we were finding all sorts of treasures in the water at Gulfside City Park.

cluster of conchs on Sanibel

It just goes to show you that every day on Sanibel is a treasure hunt. You just never know what you will find so I always try to find something… anything…  just any reason to get out on the beach.  Then it becomes such a treat when you find a handful of shelliciousness with a dollop of cumulus clouds like this…

shell finds with cumulus clouds

Speaking of finding special treasures…  our iLoveShelling community was involved in finding a lost engagement ring on the beach! The story even ended up in our local paper The Islander

pam rambo, sharon michie with Sanibel ring finder

Sharon Michie of Cottages To Castles  suggested to her client Nancy Carr that she tell her story of her lost diamond engagement ring to the iLoveShelling community on FacebookIt worked! Barbara Anderson replied with a suggestion to call TheRingFinders and within 6 hours, her ring was found. It had been buried 14 inches under the sand and they still found it!

iLoveShelling facebook lost ring on Sanibel


Shellers rock! …. And shellers find “rocks” (heehee).  Sometimes it takes a Sanibel Social Shelling Village to find treasures. This is the photo with me, Craig Ostendorf of (with the ring) and Sharon Michie. Sharon shipped the ring to Nancy who is now back home in Canada. Happy Ending!

pam rambo, sharon michie with Craig Sanibel ring finder


PS- Since we are talking all about happy stuff…. Clark was golfing yesterday (with his buddy John) – he got a Hole In One! His first ever and it was on the Sunday of The Masters. He felt like he found a left handed JUNONIA- hahaha.

Clark Rambo hole in one celebrates with John