Beach combing on shell filled Sanibel shore line

I feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to breathe the salty air with a walk along the shell filled beach this morning.

Seashell beach on Sanibel Island

I didn’t collect many shells today because I just wanted to hear the ocean sounds, smell the beach, feel the sea breeze and to see the amazing view. Sanibel beach with lots of shells

… And give a little thanks to Mother Earth for this paradise I call home on Earth Day.

shells on the beach with cloudy skies

I asked Lynn from Charleston, SC if she had found any treasures and she replied with “Every single shell on this beach is a treasure”.

Lynn visit Sanibel from SC to find shells

I feel the same Lynn!

purple scallops and cone shell in netted bag

John from Rhode Island plopped right now in the water and waves where he was finding all sorts of treasures. He found an amazing live purple FIGHTING CONCH that he gently put back in the water to live a healthy life after we all admired it.

John visits Sanibel from RI finds conch shell

After this little SEA STAR said “Hello” then waved “Good Bye”, the surf washed in and took her right back out to sea. Hmmm… Or maybe she was saying “Raise your hand if you Love Shelling!”

Raise you hand if you Love Shelling along with Sunny Sea Star

This OLIVE shell was playing “Hide ‘N Seek” with me.

Olive among sea shells and waves

A beautiful treasure may be right in front of you but if you don’t appreciate it when you can, it may disappear in a moment. Always keep your eye on the ball… well, in this case… the SHELL. ;)