Hand of Colorful Sanibel sea shells

An hour before sunset is my favorite time to shell on Sanibel in the summer time.

An Apple Murex a day keeps the doctor away

The temperature is cooler and the skies change by the second so it makes for a beautiful backdrop to the already colorful shells. Sanibel beach comber shells

I went to Blind Pass Sanibel to find just a scattering of shells right at the water’s edge but not too many in the tidal lines on the beach. 
Sanibel Seashells at the water edge

Brian, Mathew and Kory from Indiana plopped right down in the water and found shells just by digging around. They were having a blast!

finding shells in Sanibel water

I also went to Gulfside City Park this week and found this SHARK EYE along with thousands of live baby SAND DOLLARS  just like a found earlier this month in my post Sand Dimes By The Dozen. 

Sanibel Shark eye seashell

It’s always so much fun to see what the tide washes in.

shells in sea foam waves

You just never know what you’re gonna find.

Sanibel beach comber shells


Since most of you know that I’ve been blogging for almost 6 years now, its time to update my blog. Technology is moving at the speed of lightning (not LIGHTNING WHELKS- they are kinda slow- heehee) so I am spending most of my time with my nose stuck in my computer figuring it all out instead of being on the beach every day. I know, cue the violins- haha. I just wish I could give you more info about the beaches and more videos but when this is all updated, I will get back to my regular schedule of sharing our world of shelling with more posts, cybershelling and fun videos.

I wouldn’t miss our iLoveShelling cruises though! JOIN US! For info on dates CLICK HERE

pam rambo shelling trips

Sanibel sunset through sea oats

Sunset palm trees on captiva