Shello! Remember me? Yep… It’s Pam again and I sure have missed yall. It’s been a wild and seriously crazy couple of years but I’m hoping to get back to blogging again because we’ve been to some incredibly fabshellous beachcombing destinations around the world in the last few years and I never got to share them with you… I’ll do that soon.

But until I get the hang of my travel posts again, I’d love to see ya’ll face to face in Charlotte County this coming Wednesday… with Shell Love Bug!
Come join us! This Wednesday- October 23 from 11am to 1pm 18700 Veterans Blvd – Port Charlotte, FL 33991

Check out the new Tour dates page at ShellLoveBug.com
Looking forward to SHELL and TELLS ❤
What a sight for sore eyes to see your name and so many others! It makes me smile to see my dear “Shellotte” heehee
Love the updates❤❤
Thank you!
Can’t wait! Wish I could’ve seen Shell Love Bug when I was there last month. Did a shelling trip out of Marco with Shelly Kelly before she moved. ✌🏻❤️🐚.
I’m so glad you’re back Pam!! Congratulations on winning the Shell Love Bug lawsuit. I can’t wait for your new shelling trips.
Welcome back!
Shell Love Bug has been in and out of repair but now she’s better than ever! Hopefully next time :)
No one does it better than you Pam. Aloha!
Heehee- Not sure about that but it makes me happy to see your comment- thank you!
Do you still take people shelling? What is the schedule? Thanks, Connie Erskine
Thank you for asking but I havent gotten that far yet to do my shelling excursions yet but if I do, you bet I’ll post it here on my blog. :)
We always come in December but I don’t think you do excursions that time of year.
Yea…always need more Pam!
Yay! Marie you are FABSHELLOUS as always. 💕😘
I agree!!! Pam, your blog and especially the virtual shelling videos got me through many cold New England days. So happy you are back blogging!
We just got back from Sanibel today; it was our seventh year — and it’s thanks to you and your blog. I am so glad you’re back!
Oh wow Dee in DE- you just made my day! It’s so wonderful to think I introduced you to something that brings you happiness. It makes it all so worth it – thank you so much for your comment! 💕💗
That’s great you always have wonderful things to share. Love ❤️💙 so much hearing anything about the beach. Miss it so,will never see again except by my virtual tours of yours and others. So need a shell fíx…….
Alice Ann Burk- This is one of the reasons why I decided to write a post again- thank you for your comment!
Hi Pam
Guess who? Yes the Carolina Girls send you shell love! Jackie ordered us Shell Love Bug t-shirts! I know there are a lot of people in Florida that are waiting to see your masterpiece and because of dishonest Lee county officials there is a lot of catching up to do. HOWEVER once people get to see the Shell Love Bug we want you to know you, Clark and the Shell Love Bug are welcome to come visit all of us who love you in the Carolina’s. Just saying… look forward to seeing your posts 😉
My Carolina Girls make me so happy!! Let me know how you like the tee shirts – Thank you so much 💕
SO glad to see you’re back! Your blogs were always entertaining. I’m happy for your successful resolution with that lawsuit business – hope that will fade into the distant memories and we can all move forward to finding better shelling ahead!
Looking forward to getting back to the seriously fun business of shelling :)
Thank you SO VERY MUCH Sue! You get it 💕 Yes- We are moving forward and I’m trying to find that funny bone that got buried pretty deep in the sand for a while but I’m feeling like I’m getting very close to it. The digging and exploring process of finding it is hard work but as we know as shellers- that’s all part of learning how to look for other interesting and fun things along the way. Thanks for your comment Sue 😘
Glad to hear this!
Yay Amy! Hope to run into you SOON!
Would love to join you on a shelling trip February 2020. Will be visiting Lido Key for 5 weeks mid February to mid March. Please let us know or can you recommend a shelling trip from Marco Island or Captiva area?
Have a great time around Lido Key- we love it up there! If I have any recommendations I will post them here. Thank you !
Jim and I thought we saw you tooling up Periwinkle last Thursday in the Bug. So happy you are moving on.”
Thank you Annette! She’s been in and out of the shop so now she’s better than ever! I hope to see you soon- I miss you and Jim 💕
Oh, Pam!!! I’ve missed you sooooo much!!! Sho happy to hear from toy, and look forward to your next adventures! We all love ya girl❣
Awwwww It’s good to be back 🎉 Thank you so much for the shellove Joella!! :)
Oh, loved seeing your email that you’re back!!! Can’t wait to see you and the Shell Love Bug. If not at Costco again (hee, hee) then one of these days. Welcome back!
Thank you Amy! It’s good to be back/ even if it’s just a few baby steps to start 💕 Hope to see you soon. Heehee but it was good seeing you at Costco too
Hi Pam! I just opened your email and am most happy to learn that you and Clark prevailed in your suit against Lee County to recover Shell Love Bug. What scoundrels. Knowing Clark, I expected y’all would triumph. I can’t imagine why they’d damage such a precious jewel and neglect taking care of her if they believed she truly belonged to the county. Regardless, I’m glad she’s back at her natural home-where she belongs. On another note, not sure if you’ll remember me from the short time in Virginia Beach when Clark was winding things up with Belcov. I worked in the Accounting Department (tall, blonde) and Dawn Trail was the Manager. She is another precious jewel. I lost touch with Dawn and wondered if you ir Clark have been in touch or heard from her in the past decade or two? Time flies especially for me when, at that time, I was raising my son. The phone and last email contact was when she was in Germany and had divorced. I wrote her and it bounced back. The phone number had been disconnected and all other numbers I had for her over the years had been disconnected. It was as if she just disappeared off this Earth. I had purchased a new phone, which had her parents Canadian number. That entry didn’t transfer over (along with many others at that time) which prevented me from calling them to make inquiry about her. She was a dear and very loyal friend. If you or Clark know her whereabouts please do let me know and/or pass on to her my contact information. Please let me know and I’ll email you my phone number to pass on to her as well. In closing, again, I’m happy for both you and Clark that your baby is back. I hope y’all will be able to rise above this calamity, pick up the pieces, and return to normal. Be well and smile as Lady Justice⚖ and the sun🌞 are smiling upon the both of you as well as Miss Shell Love Bug. Regards, Cyndy White
Cyndy it’s so good to see your comment! A blast from the past 😊 Thank you so very much – HAHA you know we were not going to give up on something that was so WRONG. Unfortunately we lost touch with Dawn as well so we have no idea how to reach her either. We hope she is doing well and we hope that you and your son are happy and living a healthy life. Thanks again for getting in touch. Hope to run into you when we’re visiting.
A friend and I are traveling to Sanibel next week (Oct. 29th) to do some shelling. Staying at The island Inn. We hope to run into you at one of the beaches and perhaps get a chance to check out the shellbug!
Best wishes to you and Clark.
Carol Traggis (formerly from CT)
welcome back. I’ve sure missed you
Thank you Carolyn, I’ve missed seeing your sweet comments as well
I can’t wait for your blog! I always look for it just in case. Super news for everyone.
Thank you Denise. I’m excited too!
Sure have missed you!
Hi Pam. Happy to see you post again. I mostly follow you on youtube and now here. I don’t use any other social media sites. I have loved your videos and tips. I’m looking forward to seeing your posts from your travels. I am a Floridian but my husband and I visited Sanibel last month in late September for the first time. We stayed at waterside inn and had a great time. We went to several of the places you mentioned. Lots of bivalves like on my beaches in Pinellas but not as many gastropds as I would have liked. Everyone told me we came out at the wrong time of year. Well we do hope to go back sometime. It’s too bad it’s not close enough for me to do day trips though. We loved some of the shell stores too and went to the lighthouse and the shell pile at Captiva. I can’t wait to do it again.
Hi! How fun to find your blog! I am
in Sanibel now for the first time and would love to hear about any spots you’d be willing to recommend for this time of year. Thanks
For posting your adventures here, it’s so much fun to read!
Sooo happy you are back! And even more happy you won your case. Those jerks! So haha Lee County! 😡I’ve missed you and your blog! Sherri from MN 💗
It was wonderful seeing your message last October! Of course we remember you and your journey to this point – and that’s why I’m writing today. We returned to Sanibel right after Thanksgiving for ten days. You, your shelling shares over the years, and The Shell Love Bug are synonymous with Sanibel. While we didn’t see you, our hearts were lighter walking those beautiful beaches knowing you are on the mend. My husband and I wish you and Clark a healthy, prosperous year, doing what you love most. All the best, Nancy from Michigan
Hello Pam,
I sure have missed your posts, and it’s probably because my e-mail recently changed from atpryor@earthlink.net to atpryor58@gmail.com. I sure hope that you and your husband are having wonderful shellacious excursions, and I hope to make it back to Sanibel sometime soon.
Love and happy shelling, Angela Pryor
When, where would it be possible to meet you here at Sanibel?
Hello Pam and thanks for your incredible website! Very cool. My wife and daughter and I recently visited Sanibel Moorings for an anniversary trip in July 2021. Having been “Captiva-ted” in 2002 on a Sanibel vacation when the BIG shells washed in, I was motivated to find some more. And we did! We luckily arrived just 2 days after Elsa passed by Sanibel on the gulf side. We were out in the 2nd surf feeling for shells with our feet on our first day at low tide, my daughter finding a moon snail, and me finding a nice alphabet cone and a double Van Hynings (giant Atlantic) cockle, both firsts! The heart-shaped cockle was quite an anniversary gift, Now the story goes on with treasure hunting for shells on the various beaches, having three more days to search maps and get leads on locations. The East Gulf beach cleared out of shells, and our trip to Blind Pass found no more shell pile, plus significant erosion around that sea wall, and few shells. I then tried Bowman’s Beach, and into the dark to the north, and WoW, my bag filled up with beautiful shells – angel wings, paper figs, numerous fighting conchs, dosinia pairs, calico clams and lightning whelks. So my family wanted to go too, and we went again that afternoon, finding more conchs, several Florida cones, little horse conchs, sand dollars, a turret and a piece of a junonia, Then a last day, after other places disappointed, again to that special beach near Silver Key, finding more conchs, perfect whelks, moon snail, nutmeg, cones, perfect glossy olives and a colorful moon washing in the surf. Ahrrr, treasure, mateys! We now have a home-made mirror framed with our shells, a wind chime made with jingle shells, and our own nightlights cut with a Dremel tool! Hope to meet you on another trip!! Also, had a beautiful dinner and memorable dancing at the Island restaurant.